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BLUEGRASS SERVER | Year: 149 Era: 17

Breeding Information

Breeding Season
  • When can I breed?

    • Breeding Season

      • A new season breeding starts at the beginning of every month.
      • All horses age up and the Foals This Year counts reset at the start of the months.
    • Breeding Days

      • The first of every month is closed for breeding. This allows for scheduled testing days.
      • The second of every month is for basic and premium upgraded members only.
        • Premium upgrade members can breed after 4am on the second and basic upgrade members can breed after noon on the 2nd.
      • Breeding is open for everyone including free account members from the 3rd day of the month until the end of the season.
      • Breeding closes on the 28th of the month and stays closed until the new season starts.
  • What horses can I breed?

    • Breeding Rules

      • Stallions must be 3 years or older to breed and mares must be 4 years or older. Horses can no longer breed at age 20.
      • Mares can only have one foal per year and stallions can only have 50. (Upgrade features allow for more foals.)
      • Foals This Year on the horse's page tells you how many foals they have had.
    • When can I breed again?

      • Breeding resets at the start of every breeding season. You can breed your horses again in the new season.
Breeding How To
  • How to breed...

    • two horses you own together.

      • Open the page of your stallion.
      • Click the Control Panel tab, enter a price into the Set Breeding Fee box and click the button.
      • Return to the Horse Info tab and click the Breed To This Horse button.
      • Select the name of your mare from the drop down and give the foal a unique name.
      • Click Create Foal to breed the two horses.
    • one horse you own to a horse someone else owns.

      • Open the page of the stallion or mare you wish to breed to.
        • You can find a horse for breeding either by an ad on the forum or by searching for horses with the For Breeding status on the Search Horses page.
      • Click the Breed To This Horse button.
      • Select the name of your horse from the drop down and give the foal a unique name.
      • Click Create Foal to breed the two horses.
    • using your pasture.

      • Select at least one stallion to add to the pasture from your list. Stallions should be 3yrs or older and less than 20 and have fewer then 50 foals this season.
      • Select at least one mare to add to the pasture from your list. Mares should be 4yrs or older and less than 20 and have had no foals this season.
      • The longer a mare stays in the pasture the better her foal will be. You can breed right away or for the full benefit leave a mare in at least 30 days.
      • Click Breed All Your Pastures to breed your horses.
      • Use the orange X or the remove all foals button to move your foals into your barn. You must remove them or they will be deleted.
    • with auto pasture breeding.

      • Select at least one stallion to add to the pasture from your list. Stallions should be 3yrs or older and less than 20 and have fewer then 50 foals this season.
      • Select at least one mare to add to the pasture from your list. Mares should be 4yrs or older and less than 20 and have had no foals this season.
      • Leave your horses in the pasture. On the 14th day of breeding season they will automatically produce foals.
      • Use the orange X or the remove all foals button to move your foals into your barn if you want to keep them.
      • Leave your foals in the pasture to have them automatically deleted and pay you money at the end of the game year.